"Unit" Circle

For algebra 2 class my teacher told me that i could code something that could draw a unit circle. Of course, i obliged; i wanted to use graphics.h to use a wrapper of the windows graphics api. i did not know that the graphics.h library was only in use in c, not c++. Because of that i decided that i was going to use opengl. Ive used the library before, ive learned lwjgl cause sometimes someone needs me to do a qol thing for them, however, i did not (i did) know that c++ doesnt have a built in or userland package manager. for about 20 minutes i struggled to install clion for my ide but it turns out that i just had to install a downgraded version. then i realized i did not understand how to build opengl binaries. then i realized that it was too late at night to be doing this.

my antics ended in my just doing a canvas to do it. its interactive and it had an svg at the bottom but for some reason the code with the svg didnt get pushed to prod. you can click here to check it out.